We invite you to consult the materials developed by the
Associations for Prenatal Education members of the OMAEP
Doodle animations files
ERASMUS+ PROJECT PEACE SITE "Parenting Education and Awareness of Community to Enable Social Inclusion of Teens Exposed to the risk of becoming parents" 2017-2019
ERASMUS+ PROJECT PACE OF HEALTH "Parenthood Awareness before Conception to Enhance Offspring Health – E-learning Addressing Lifestyle to Transform Habits" 2019-2022
Article library
Ten golden rules for future parents
Flyers for pre- and perinatal preparation, developed with the assistance of UNICEF
Child conception
The baby’s prenatal development stages
The diet during pregnancy
Emotions in pregnancy
Prenatal memory and communication in pregnancy
The natural childbirth
Cycles of human development
Breast-feeding in the first year of life
Diversified diet for the breastfed baby
Self-esteem and the emotional development of the baby
Brochure : Préparation à la vie – Le désir d’être deux, s’adressant aux adolescents, mais pas seulement
Préparation à la vie – Le désir d’être deux, s’adressant aux adolescents, mais pas seulement
Revues de l'OMAEP "ENSEMBLE"
Video materials for adolescents to make them more aware of their potential
Video materials for expectant parents to make them more aware of their mission
Carmen Carballo Basadre